Colloquium Schedule

Colloquium Schedule: Spring 2024

The Department of Psychology Colloquium Series will be presented both via Zoom and in-person at 12:20 pm on Fridays.

Zoom links will be sent with individual announcements via our mailing lists. For more information, contact Linda LeVan, [email protected]

Date Speaker Institution Title
H.E. Cornell Auditorium,
Goldwin Smith Hall
3:00 pm
Sam Wass University of East London The 33rd Gibson Lecture in Experimental Psychology: Contingency and synchrony: Interactional pathways towards attentional control and intentional communication
Uris Hall
Enrique Neblett University of Michigan Sankofa: Looking Back to Go Forward in Racism and Mental Health Research
Uris Hall
David M. Almeida Pennsylvania State University Health as a Daily Experience: Lessons from 42,243 Days of US Adults

Colloquium Schedule: Fall 2023

The Department of Psychology Colloquium Series will be presented in person and via Zoom at 12:20 pm on Fridays in G-90 Uris Hall.

Because of multiple job searches there will be a minimal number of colloquia and lectures in the 2023-24 academic year.

Zoom links will be sent with individual announcements via our mailing lists. For more information, contact Linda LeVan, [email protected]

Date Speaker Institution Title
Uris Hall
Séamus A. Power University of Copenhagen World-Making: Field Social Psychology and Processes of Social Change
Uris Hall
Michael Tomasello Duke University The Neisser Lecture: Origins of Human Cooperation

253     Malott Hall

Roy F. Baumeister University of Queensland The 19th Ricciuti Lecture: Political Bias and Partisan Hostility: A Cultural Animal Theory about Modern Ideological Conflict
Uris Hall
Adam Aron University of California San Diego Why Social Mobilization Is Essential For Confronting the Climate Crisis And What Academic Psychologists Can Do.
Special Zoom presentation co-sponsored with Cornell on Fire, Environmental Law Society, and Climate Justice Cornell